/* Js for http://www.baidu.com, Version=1741530488 */ v.lang = {"confirmDelete":"Do you want to delete it?","deleteing":"Deleting","doing":"Doing","loading":"Loading","updating":"Updating","timeout":"Timeout. Please try it again.","errorThrown":"Error : ","continueShopping":"Continue shopping","required":"Required","back":"Back","continue":"Continue","bindWechatTip":"Posting sets the limit for binding WeChat. Please bind WeChat user first.","importTip":"Old layout data will be replaced","fullImportTip":"Old article, product, layout data will be replaced and import test data"};;v.path = ["142"];;v.objectType = "product";;v.productID = 47;;v.objectID = 47;;v.categoryID = 142;;v.categoryPath = ["142"];;v.addToCartSuccess = "Added to your shopping cart!";;v.gotoCart = "Check Out";;v.goback = "Back";;v.stockOpened = false;;v.stock = 0;; ;v.pageLayout = "global";; $(function() { var videoContainer = "